Learning Discussions Emphasize the Importance of Sensitivity in Generating Benefits
The channel assembles a variety of short stories that are interesting and contain meaning. This is similar to the message he wants to convey. The story, for him, is the result of a sensitivity to everyday life. From this sensitivity, thoughts, theories, and new findings emerge. Sensitivity and carefulness to interpret something important to produce something new that is useful for life. By observing through different perspectives, he explained, “We can get something else.” He gave an example, through a new perspective, water mixed with tea and sugar and packaged in bottles produced a new form of a drink.

New, Different, Impact
Then put forward three keywords in the discussion, namely novelty, the existence of differences, and the existence of beneficial effects (new, different, impact). To create learning that can produce these three things, lecturers must be sensitive in dealing with students. Both lecturers and students must learn from one another. If that sensitivity can be channeled, he continued, “new, difference, the impact will definitely appear there!”
He then exemplified his experience as a lecturer in the Unpar Architecture Postgraduate program. Experience teaches that sensitivity is very important in producing innovations that are in line with current conditions (contextual) and have a positive impact. “Emphasis on benefits becomes very important,” he explained, especially when related to the need for novelty as one of the outcomes of learning outcomes. Sensitivity is very important in the learning process, so according to him, there are no stupid students. “There are us (lecturers) who … Read More